Thursday, October 21, 2010

My performance gone?

Hard till the end, a performance appraisal, have nothing.

Also infuriating is wearing them. What is the reason for this?

Because the "performance management" lost control, because performance management from the objective and subjective.

The composition of Performance Management: Performance Management is the result management. It consists of two parts: performance and results. Organization's performance management module division: organizational performance, group performance and individual performance. The difficulty lies in performance management: the word on the effect. Effect: efficiency, effectiveness, efficiency. Efficiency reflects the time value of cost and time cost. Reflect the effectiveness of sustainable development. The most obvious benefit is, it can be seen in the data. But what is behind this data, the process for that?

Performance management is the controlled use of resources to the organization the value of the results of the evaluation movement. Because it is the value of evaluation, there is bound to subjectivity. Once out of its performance management elements attached to the objective, it must reduce its value. Because it is a movement, it necessarily involves examination of the main efforts being and performance improvements.

Performance Management in the confusion factors can be summarized as follows:

First: the values of the main performance management, working methods, familiarity with the business: Performance management organizations and the values of the major operators, and employees of the emotional distance, working methods, will affect the performance evaluation and assessment. For example, a work of the bureaucracy in performance management workers, who look at data, not the work of examination and evaluation process. His performance management will affect the appraisal process and the efforts of the staff of the emotions and thoughts. Assessment personnel are familiar with organizational business processes affect the degree of reduction assessment results, business performance management workers are not familiar with, let him be a reasonable performance evaluation and assessment work is very difficult. Performance management as a qualified staff must be familiar with assessment content, assessment items must have the basic business knowledge. In many companies, performance management, talent management to the final result in the loss, the biggest reason at this point.

Second: the resources controlled organization, composition, scientific utilization: organizations, groups, individuals control the resources are very limited extent, the performance target will be difficult to achieve, especially organizations of resources, if not in place, individual performance No matter how much effort, the result is limited. Control of resources is both to support a higher level, but also is a good overall business operations, the higher the support is obvious, but overall a good operating business is not easy to detect, such as the excellent system of long-standing norms, corporate culture, brand power. This is, in the market assessment of management particularly evident, for example, in a brand company marketing staff, due to brand strength, the results of his efforts is not the brand relative to the company's business staff to high performance. The rational combination of corporate resources, science and utilization to the same level of performance will impact business. Controllable from the corporate resources, portfolio performance scientific use of the simple stresses, poor results are embodied in individuals who, dissatisfied employees will therefore result.

Third: The performance appraisal process is considered to be the main strategic position: Performance of "performance", embodies the efforts of results, data or "speak with data" often become a form of expression. The "data" acquisition process, must be through the organization, groups, individuals and strategic management and tactical consistency obtained. For example, in marketing strategy, market is the main attack some of the market, some markets are defense market, some markets are back market. Market positioning strategy is different natural not the same performance. Some of the global market have to make sacrifices in order. The expense of the needs of the organization strategy. It is the final "performance" may still reflect the negative, but its "effect" to the global interests. Therefore, the performance appraisal is not a separate evaluation process must proceed from the overall situation.

銆??绗洓锛氫紒涓氫骇鍝佺敓鍛藉懆鏈燂細鍦ㄤ紒涓氫骇鍝佺敓鍛藉懆鏈熷浜庢垚闀挎湡銆佹垚鐔熸湡鐨勬椂鍊欙紝缁勭粐銆佸洟浣撱?涓汉鐨勭哗鏁堜竴鑸兘鏄憟涓婂崌瓒嬪娍銆?Product life cycle in a recession, the organization's performance generally declined. Pilot organization does not use the product strategy and market needs upgrading, but will cause a recession to blame a performance management or general staff, that this person is actually trying to freeze out.

Fifth: evaluation index system is scientific: Many businesses only in the assessment task managers, but not from the organizational assessment of sustainable development to management, management and quantitative decision-making in the quantitative aspects of the work done too much too small, the expense of fixed quality management and qualitative decision-making. Especially in administration, human resources manager, the management of these difficult to quantify the performance assessment of subjective judgments. Evaluation index system of implementation must be based on assessment of the main positions are the responsibilities and the nature of the use of quantitative management and non-quantitative management combination.

Sixth: Performance Evaluation Management Foundations: lies in organizational groups, individual work environment, Te Bie enterprise competitive power, resource conditions, organizational structure, product structure Yin Su Jin Xing a scientific assessment of whether and to judge. Managers spend the time costs are different, human, material different, performance evaluation is to use the same standards. Not take into account seasonal, weather, and personnel changes and the work environment. This assessment will be subject to combat the work of enthusiasm, so that performance decreased. Similarly, many enterprises in the performance evaluation management often blindly imitate, copy work with the industry, the so-called business methods, but simply does not take into account the characteristics of their own enterprises. This performance management to performance management lost is evident.

Because so many of the above factors exist, could have been the means and methods of scientific management, but in some enterprises in the use of management personnel into the workplace the main reason for confusion. My performance to "performance management" lost control. I blame a lot of managers are related to his work the company did not give positive, including wages. A language is the most famous: the boss promises.


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Monday, October 11, 2010

Who stand up anti-monopoly

Early in November this year, Microsoft agreed to pay a South Korean Daum Communications 30 million U.S. dollars, resolve legal disputes. Back in September 2001, Korea's largest Internet portal Daum Communications to the Korea Fair Trade Commission (FTC) submitted the allegations against Microsoft, accusing Microsoft Windows XP operating system bundled with MSN instant messaging software, resulting in a real-time DAUM communication network based business suffered huge losses, and violate the principle of fair competition.

In fact, Microsoft is faced with many items in the global scope of the prosecution against the bundle include: multi-media player, instant messaging, search engines, anti-virus functions and pen and voice input, etc., and even Microsoft has integrated and built-in software and functionality, will become the object of prosecution.

In 2004, RealNetworks that Microsoft bundled media player system hindered its popular media player software, its development of Realplayer, contrary to the spirit of fair competition. Earlier this month, Microsoft and RealNetworks in the United States reached a settlement agreement, Microsoft agreed to pay 761 million U.S. dollars to the latter to the off awful two-year lawsuit.

In contrast China's IT industry, popular victims of monopoly, but we have not yet anti-monopoly law; Moreover, many Chinese enterprises and users lack awareness of anti-monopoly. Not resist the monopoly, as a representative of the Chinese Kingsoft WPS, this is a lesson we should learn.

Despite the lack of anti-monopoly law in China is "a regrettable", but more Chinese companies do not lose the self. Usage of the Internet users in China, Microsoft MSN is hot pursuit Tencent QQ, which is no doubt represents the power of instant messaging software in China. However, Tencent relevant parties in the case of Microsoft Korea responded "do not know," the lawsuit and stressed Xiang industry peers for dynamic, Tencent Erfei Jingzhengduishou more attention to user needs. Chinese companies on the Microsoft monopoly often adopt a "blind eye" attitude, and lack of anti-monopoly law in China and Chinese companies on legal matters related to research to judge the weak sense. This is quite upset, to some extent is also ignorance.

Relative to the formulation of anti-monopoly law, Chinese companies take the initiative to come, the law against monopoly power against multinational corporations more realistic sense. With an education law-making process, the Government should adopt a variety of ways to understand their rights when the company had been compromised, how to protect themselves. Otherwise, even if the anti-monopoly law, Chinese companies are still difficult to change the "silence" of the status quo.

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Thursday, September 23, 2010

VBScript DateDiff Function

DateDiff function
Back to the time interval between two dates.
DateDiff (interval, date1, date2 [, firstdayofweek [, firstweekofyear]])
DateDiff function syntax has the following parameters:
Required. String expression that is used to calculate the time between date1 and date2 interval. The values, see "Settings" section.
date1, date2
Required. Date of expression. Used to calculate the two dates.
Optional. The first day of the week specified constant. If not specified, the default is Sunday. The values, see "Settings" section.
Optional. Designated the first week of the year constant. If not specified, the default location for the January 1st week. The values, see "Settings" section.
Set up
interval parameter can have the following values:
Setting Description
yyyy Year
q Quarterly
n months
y number of days a year
d day
w the number of days a week
ww Week
h hours
m min
s seconds

firstdayofweek parameter can have the following values:
Constant Value Description
use of regional language support vbUseSystem 0 (NLS) API set.
vbSunday 1 Sunday (default)
vbMonday 2 Monday
vbTuesday 3 Tuesday
vbWednesday 4 Wednesday
vbThursday 5 Thursday
vbFriday 6 Friday
vbSaturday 7 Saturday

firstweekofyear parameter can have the following values:
Constant Value Description
use of regional language support vbUseSystem 0 (NLS) API set.
vbFirstJan1 1 by the Jan. 1 week where the (default).
vbFirstFourDays 2 by the New Year at least four days in the first week.
vbFirstFullWeek 3 in the new year by the first full week.

DateDiff function is used to determine between the two dates specified number of time intervals. For example, you can use the DateDiff calculation of the number of days difference between two dates, or the day of the year the number of weeks between the last day.
To calculate the difference between date1 and date2 number of days, you can use "the number of days a year" ("y") or "Day" ("d"). When the interval is "the number of days a week" ("w") when, DateDiff returns the number of weeks between two dates. If date1 is Monday, the Monday before date2 DateDiff to calculate the number. This result contains does not contain date2 date1. If the interval is the "Week" ("ww"), the DateDiff function returns the calendar in the number of weeks between two dates. Between date1 and date2 function calculates the number of Sundays. If date2 is Sunday, DateDiff to calculate date2, but even if date1 is Sunday, it will not count date1.
If date1 is later than date2, the DateDiff function returns a negative number.
firstdayofweek 鍙傛暟浼氬浣跨敤鈥渨鈥濆拰鈥渨w鈥濋棿闅旂鍙风殑璁$畻浜х敓褰卞搷銆?br />濡傛灉 date1 鎴?date2 鏄棩鏈熸枃瀛楋紝鍒欐寚瀹氱殑骞村害浼氭垚涓烘棩鏈熺殑鍥哄畾閮ㄥ垎銆備絾鏄鏋?date1 鎴?date2 琚寘鎷湪寮曞彿 ( ) 涓苟涓旂渷鐣ュ勾浠斤紝鍒欏湪浠g爜涓瘡娆¤绠?date1 鎴?date2 琛ㄨ揪寮忔椂锛屽皢鎻掑叆褰撳墠骞翠唤銆?This can be written for different years of the program code.
鍦?interval 涓衡?骞粹?锛堚?yyyy鈥濓級鏃讹紝姣旇緝 12 鏈?31 鏃ュ拰鏉ュ勾鐨?1 鏈?1 鏃ワ紝铏界劧瀹為檯涓婂彧鐩稿樊涓?ぉ锛孌ateDiff 杩斿洖 1 琛ㄧず鐩稿樊涓?釜骞翠唤銆?br />
涓嬮潰鐨勭ず渚嬪埄鐢?DateDiff 鍑芥暟鏄剧ず浠婂ぉ涓庣粰瀹氭棩鏈熶箣闂撮棿闅斿ぉ鏁?
Function DiffADate(theDate)聽 DiffADate = 浠庡綋澶╁紑濮嬬殑澶╂暟: & DateDiff(d, Now, theDate)End Function


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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Baidu's sensual journey

160 000 Union website into the side "of large-size LCD screen", Baidu began to sell video advertising collective advantage.

CNET China President Wang Lu recent good mood, before a burst of Intel China president Yang himself at the table told him that Intel will be reduced in the next two years until the final stop TV ads, and all the ads are to the Internet platform up, which he operated the IT professional website is certainly good news.

The good news come one after another. September 13, Baidu launched "Baidu TV" online video advertising services, announced that 160,000 Baidu Union web site into a side "LCD screen" television ads, while CNET is one of the major online media platform 1.

160 000 Web site, which is interactive through the point, as the science and technology, before the first video they struggled to develop online video advertising that some years the company can match the media resources, Baidu had a sudden end to the brand advertisers, They invested in television ads for the Internet to any one corner.

Diversion canal

Now, who could refuse to sensual and elegant video? Baidu is no exception.

Although it and the world's largest search engine giant Google search for information using text links and paid search ads that match the ads to create the advertising industry in the history of the "long tail miracle", but including graphics Banner ads, rich media ads and video ads display of class, including three forms of ads are still the bulk of the Internet advertising: first quarter of 2007 online ad spending in China 1.708 billion yuan, the display of the type of advertisements accounted for 53.1%, while the paid search advertising accounted for only 26.1%. Tentacles extend their profit paid search, display the type of advertisements inserted into the field, is the inevitable choice for Baidu and Google.

The spread of broadband, advances in technology, Web2.0 rise to the Internet as an interactive multimedia network, display the type of advertisements are from Banner to the network video graphics upgrade, not to mention, more and more consumers are moving away from TV spend more time on the Internet, to television advertising has become possible to move to the Internet.

Large amounts of data have shown this trend. The data from research firm iResearch Show: 2006 TV ad 40.4 billion yuan, while Internet advertising is about 6.0 billion, while the same year, an increase of television advertising fell 8.2%, while Internet advertising the last 3 years the average increase of 75% .

Statement in accordance with Baidu, Baidu TV allows advertisers to run video in the ads, not as they used to consider the situation of the site itself, only to tell what time Baidu need, where to find what the target audience, Baidu could be through the web site content, part, reading the environment and match keywords to find the most appropriate page, then Baidu TV as the exclusive business partner with the advertising media to go out and monitor the television ratings.

Brand advertisers, this at least help them run TV ads than ever before to find a more accurate target audience, and the audience's attention and more focused. Baidu TV released in 45 days before the trial held in investment activities, the FAW-VW a 90-second television ads on the Internet an average of 60 seconds to watch, it is almost impossible now TV platform events. In addition, the network is an interactive platform, it was "sound and light" is ready for video ads arouse interest, the click of a mouse, can immediately make a purchase, participate in games, to answer the questionnaire and a series of interactive activities, a small nurse L'Oreal attracted 10% of ad clicks are answered the questionnaire.

In Baidu view, their role now, the same as in the vast sea-like TV commercials and small streams like online video advertising diversion canal between. Baidu CFO Shawn Wang, Baidu has repeatedly compared to the U.S. cable TV operators, compared to Baidu TV is limited television network to publish content in different channels of TV advertising.

Collective strength

While many have long been gathering video site, but is still deadlocked in the battle for eyeballs, not to be seen in the video advertising. Tudou first set up to run in the team seems to the forefront, just recently, it received an order of Intel's large ads. Be interesting, in the announcement, while potato network also said Sweden will be buying Intel server chips.

Clearly, Baidu TV this time to mass media network Focus mode to enter the domestic chaos of video advertising, you can squeeze and reduced the attractiveness of other video sites, attracting the same time have the advantage of collective advertisers. Also, with video Web site monthly 1 million yuan compared to the cost of broadband server, this model allows Baidu TV has a streaming media player of the cost advantage, thereby advertising the price level down, to establish the market benchmark price, the market standard setters.

Should not be overlooked is that the ratings show than the price charged by television advertising, Baidu TV is watched by ads are effective charges - Baidu users to view TV ad more than five seconds shall be effective ratings. This also means that the future of the auto auction platform with Baidu, Baidu TV advertising is likely to bid to carry out the auction, making advertising more closely linked to the price and effectiveness.

However, despite the huge network of media resources, Baidu TV is able to gain a firm foothold in the market, ultimately have to depend on convincing advertisers is open wallet. To know that, despite the declining effectiveness of traditional television advertising, but the formation of third-party monitoring of its broadcast over the years, the effect evaluation method for advertisers on the cost of the orientation of an idea, who claims to be accurate interactive online advertising, especially video advertising so far has not Unified recognized evaluation criteria.

To dispel such doubts, Baidu has made a statement, will provide users with full monitoring broadcast to advertisers in detail about each ad viewing behavior and the state; At the same time, Baidu TV will also work with AC Nielsen, CCTV Sofo Swiss cooperation with third-party ratings research company monitoring broadcast.

It seems that this side of "big screen" is clearly staged show of the curtain was opened.

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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Cool Dog K's 2008 song King Achievement

Cool Dog Music 2008, king song achievement K

Today, young people, entertainment programs, go to KTV to the number of the most popular. Every time a friend, before students can Shi Zhanliang good voice who always received warm applause all the applause and admiration. Of course, master of such K is the usual song and hear more practice inseparable. However, KTV karaoke often seems to appear too extravagant, I will brief you following an economical practice to the latest pop music can often approach Kara OK, that is to use a powerful, integrated entertainment "Cool Dog Music 2008 "software.

A music category, find KTV accompaniment

Cool designer dog music software users love to sing for the thoughtful, in the "Cool Dog Music 2008 software" integrates a number of categories to the right of navigation, in the "Music Category" navigation tab in the "popular category", the point to open " KTV accompaniment "category, and in the search results page you can see many under the latest pop music KTV accompaniment, and see if I can find the song you want accompaniment. (Figure 1:)

(Figure 1 KTV accompaniment)

Second, the audio plug, remove original sound

Of course, everyone likes to sing songs and songs will be different, "KTV accompaniment" provided by the song becomes more limited. However, the cool music software can support the use of dogs to eliminate acoustic music plug-in, hey, with this plug-in, let's cool the dog's massive library of songs which became accompaniment, it can be accompanied. Super good! Set as follows:

Step One: Download the audio plug on the network (Cool Dog Music 2008 can use a variety of audio plug-ins, such as, WINAMP of "DEFX" plug-in);

The second step: the plug-in installed in the Cool Dog's 2008 installation directory,

Eg: C: Program FilesKuGouKuGou2008Plugins;

Step three: Open the "cool dog's 2008" Software "menu settings" and then click "option", find the "music plug-in" (Figure 2:)

(Figure 2 DEFX plug-in installed)

Step Four: Check the audio plug-ins you need you can, click "OK." Then you can adjust the plug on "Kara OK" part of the slide, a silencer on the songs. (I use the English version, shown in Figure 3:)

(Figure 3: DEFX plug-in to eliminate acoustic)

Step five: then tell you to use a writer's experience, the use of plug-in silencer, it may not every song can get good results, then you can use the look "cool dog's" software equalizer for sound to processing, to your satisfaction Kara OK results. (Figure 4:)

(Figure 4: Equalizer adjustment audio)

Three step dynamic lyrics, as you practice

"Cool Dog Music 2008" in play any one song, the software can display the following are the song lyrics karaoke OK model, coupled with music accompaniment, karaoke OK even more like a decent model. But even more stunning is that the "dynamic lyrics," the lyrics of the time scale under the display, allowing each word can be accurately repeated playing, this is a good way of karaoke. As follows:

Open the "City of the lyrics," the lyrics in the display, click the left mouse button, then click the Department, the lyrics will display the time being, then drag the mouse free to the lyrics you need to repeat the time. (Figure 5:)

(Figure 5: Lyrics time)

How, with the "cool dog's 2008" K good practice to sing it, from now on, as you can and I always enjoy the fun of k song, a new generation of K King song.

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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Flash simulation of the old movie playback

Childhood memories are always good, remember when watching outdoor movie in the playground scene it? Today I teach you how to use Flash to achieve the effect of the old movie player.

Production Tips:

In fact, the effect of the old films, mainly to seize the old movie playing, a little shake, and by dark features in Flash using actionscript code to move the picture position to simulate the jitter occur, while the change can be achieved with transparency .

1. Set the scene size is 500 * 360 pixels, black background. Frame rate to 15fps.

2. Pressing the shortcut keys Ctrl + F8 to open the "Create a new component" panel, create a "film" of the video clip components. Then edit the scene in the Press shortcut keys Ctrl + R to import a picture (old films best picture). Note that the upper left corner of the picture so that the center vertex and scenes overlap, shown in Figure 1. Pressing the shortcut keys Ctrl + I can open the "Information" panel supporting settings, shown in Figure 2. This is to allow components into the main scene, the programming is more convenient to determine their coordinates.

3. Back to the main scene, pressing the shortcut keys Ctrl + L open the "Library" panel, the "library" in the "film" drag and drop components into the scene 1. Click the Scene 1 of "movie" elements, shortcut keys Ctrl + K to open "Align" panel, click the "relative to stage" button, then click the "Horizontal Alignment" and "Vertical Alignment" two buttons, make the film "components" in the center within the scene.

4. Click the Scene 1 of "movie" elements, according to F9 key to open the "Action" panel, and "expert mode" type the following code:

/ / Make "movie" elements of the position, transparency changes
onClipEvent (enterFrame) (
this._x = Math.random () * 2 + 90;
this._y = Math.random () * 2 + 60;
this._alpha = Math.random () * 30 + 50;

Code, onClipEvent event handler is used to trigger a movie clip instance to the definition of the action; This is used to reference an object or movie clip instance; _x, _y property can change the location of components, _alpha property to change the transparency of components; Math.random generate a number between 0 and 1.

In this case the production method and simple code very little, you can effortlessly to learn, the key is we need to carefully observe and think. The following are results presentation and source files download address.

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Thursday, July 8, 2010

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Bliss CD-R AC3 M3U to OGG Maker is an excellent CDA to MP3 converter which can convert CDA to MP3 and also a powerful CD to MP3 ripper which can rip CD to MP3 fast and easily. Free download is available. This Audio Converter converts audio files between MP3, CD, CDA, CD-R, DVD-Audio, AAC, AC3, ID3, M3U, M4A, M4P, MP3 ID3 Tag, OGG, RA, WAV, WMA, MP2, APE, VQF, MPC, AMR, Midi, WAVE, and RM. Its user-friendly interface supports both drag & drop and shell operation of Windows Explorer. Most work can be done automatically with a few mouse clicks. You can convert many files in batches regardless of their source formats and target formats. This Audio Converter also supports playback of all the audio files with its built-in player.

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